it’s all about limestone and its tickle

with all various meanings of this word – is perfect for natural wine.
PERSPEKTIVE derives from the Latin „perspicere“, meaning: „to look through“. When it comes to natural wine – the closer you look the more flavors and aromas you get – the more corners and edges you might find. AND, to us, natural wine puts wine itself into a different perspective (when understanding wine in the same context as the average wine drinker does – mainstream/conventional wines).

The Night brings along certain presumptions about the wine, e.g. it were sophisticated, elegant, mysterious, dark, deep, romantic (in the goth/literary meaning of the word) plus, when looking at it, the label creates a certain mindset / emotion, which is essential to us when drinking the Perspektive Wines. it calms you down, you focus and your mind becomes quiet, you relax, but, at the same time, you get excited and curious.

VINEYARD SITE: Neuberg – limestone
NEUBERG belongs to the best vineyard sites Burgenland has to offer. It is one of the oldest vineyard sites in our area. Vines have been growing here for many of hundreds of years. NEUBERG is a very rocky limestone hill in the northwest of Neusiedl and belongs to the Leithaberg Mountains. Its hills are softly rolling towards the lake and slope either southeast or north south. The soil is diverse, ranging from pretty scarce and surfacing huge amounts of limestone fragments (in some parts schist) to heavy, rich loam .
The vine lives up to its best. The grapes we grow here are always of the utmost quality.  Delivering wines that are very purist but precise – clearly structured and with depth of character – dark but charming minerals amongst enticing fruit notes.

PERSPEKTIVE WEISS – Chardonnay & Weissburgunder

PERSPEKTIVE ROT – Blaufränkisch & St. Laurent (vintage 2021 is called HAPPY ANNIVERSARY)